First of many things... Blogging

First of many things... Blogging
Photo by Matt Hudson / Unsplash

I've been wanting to build a blog for ages and as such, I've gone through many failed starts. I got caught up in the paid-for fallacy, where because I paid for a year's worth of blog hosting, I suddenly have a blog. Well, that didn't work. Turns out you actually have to do stuff, writing a blog post would be a good start...

Wanting to start a blog but actually having to write meme

What changed my mind is the concept of building in public. The accountability of talking about your ideas and building them in a public view. We all have ideas and projects we wanna work on but we tend to be our own worst enemies and nip the idea in the bud. This is where building in public can help. When you shout your ideas out the window, onto the streets, even if no one is there, it's an announcement! It's a bet on yourself.

Meme saying "I'm going to build in Public"

So that is what I'm going to do, build in public, document my journey, talk about my travels, drink a lot of coffee, create content, teach what I can and hopefully inspire people the way others have inspired me.

It's almost like an online home, an official residence. Come into my workshop and see what I'm working on. Maybe there are tools I'm using you don't know about, that I can share with you and help you on your journey and vice versa.

If you think about it, I would say 90% of internet users are just consumers who browse. I wanna be part of the 10% who build and create content.

I would encourage you to do the same!

To-do list:

  • Create a blog
  • Build something
  • Find Big Foot

I'm open to chat! If you see something on this blog that interests you and you wanna reach out, please do! I'm always keen to get a coffee! :)

Benny with his Nintendo (3D printed NES)
Photo by Nik / Unsplash